Best New Business - Emerging Star


Acknowledging innovative enterprises trading for less than three years. Whether filling market gaps or presenting unique twists on established products/services, demonstrate your vision for future growth and potential rather than focusing on immediate turnover or profits.

  1. What new business ideas have you bought to your industry & how did you develop & execute this idea?

  2. What is your vision for the future growth and potential of your business, and how do you plan to achieve it?

  3. How do you measure success beyond immediate turnover or profits in your emerging business?

  4. Could you provide examples of market gaps your business fills or established products/services it enhances?

  5. What is different about your business in comparison to others businesses that may have been trading for longer?

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Acknowledging innovative enterprises trading for less than three years. Whether filling market gaps or presenting unique twists on established products/services, demonstrate your vision for future growth and potential rather than focusing on immediate turnover or profits.

  1. What new business ideas have you bought to your industry & how did you develop & execute this idea?

  2. What is your vision for the future growth and potential of your business, and how do you plan to achieve it?

  3. How do you measure success beyond immediate turnover or profits in your emerging business?

  4. Could you provide examples of market gaps your business fills or established products/services it enhances?

  5. What is different about your business in comparison to others businesses that may have been trading for longer?

Acknowledging innovative enterprises trading for less than three years. Whether filling market gaps or presenting unique twists on established products/services, demonstrate your vision for future growth and potential rather than focusing on immediate turnover or profits.

  1. What new business ideas have you bought to your industry & how did you develop & execute this idea?

  2. What is your vision for the future growth and potential of your business, and how do you plan to achieve it?

  3. How do you measure success beyond immediate turnover or profits in your emerging business?

  4. Could you provide examples of market gaps your business fills or established products/services it enhances?

  5. What is different about your business in comparison to others businesses that may have been trading for longer?